Writers Change Their Minds, and That’s Okay

But share everything you’ve got anyway.

Image by 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 from Pixabay

Fellow writer, here’s a question for you. Has fear of regret ever held you back? Maybe you’ve written pieces and never shared them.

I know I’m not alone for writers are a strange breed. We overthink everything; squeeze every last drop out of an experience. Where are the lessons? What’s the truth? We reflect and dissect. Make sense of it all and then write. But stop! There’s more to learn. “I’m no expert. Why should anyone listen to me? If I wrote this piece again next month I’d share a whole different perspective.”

“You cannot stay at the same level as when you first practised your truth, life won’t let you.”

— Kamal Ravikant

You see, writers are truth seekers. We read, write, live life, broaden our horizons and change our minds often. We explore from many vantage points, searching for meaning and purpose in everything. We get so caught up looking for answers that we can end up never sharing the wisdom we gained along the way.

For years I didn’t publish a single piece. Not one. Nadda. There was always something missing. I never had the whole truth. My words were fickle. Ideas changed and evolved so quick. I would surely regret sharing fleeting opinions.



Victoria Metzger | Nutrition & Wellness Copywriter
Writers’ Blokke

Former Dietitian | SEO Content Writer for Nutrition & Health Brands | Copywriter | Travel Blogger