Writing Into 2021

Benny Lim
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
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4 min readJan 9, 2021
Photo by Alexander Kagan on Unsplash

Dear friends of Writers’ Blokke, I was hoping to send this out at the start of the year but for some reason, I had a feeling that I should put it off for a bit as I wasn’t fully sure on what to say, especially with the year we had just left behind us.

But what’s a new year’s message when it’s not at the start of the year right?

So, first of all, I would just like to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year! May 2021 be a much better year than 2020 was but we should always still be vigilant. Just because it’s a new year, doesn’t mean that everything is just wiped clean and we get a fresh start.

The COVID-19 virus is still very much around us and despite a vaccine being developed, we still have no idea how well it will work against the virus. We’ve been living in a pandemic for the last year and chances are, we may need to live through it for at least another year. So, please, be careful and be safe. Wear your masks, sanitize yourself and everything that you buy constantly and just be mindful, especially around those who are considered high risk such as the elderly and children.

That being said, let’s still try our hardest to make 2021 even better than 2020, especially here on Medium where for most of us, it’s been our sanctuary, a place where we’ve been able to escape from reality for a brief moment of time and just get lost in words — be it our own or from others.

To those who are relatively new to the publication, welcome. Whether you’re a reader or a writer or both, please enjoy yourselves here. If you’re a new writer, as what I’ve always been telling other new writers, do your best on here. Use this publication as a stepping stone to go on to bigger and better publications.

But always remember to follow the rules, not just those set by this publication but especially those set by Medium itself.

What happens when you don’t

Last year, I had the unfortunate experience of having to not only delete every single story that a writer published with Writers’ Blokke but to also remove him as a writer because he had been publishing articles which were plagiarized from other writers/authors. He only changed a few words here and there but over 80% of the articles were written by other writers/authors.

I wasn’t the one who discovered it but an editor of another publication informed me about it.

As you may know, there are not many editors on here to help publish the work of others. Those who are editors are only allowed to publish their own work. So, I am fully trusting all of the writers here to be honest and to publish work that’s 100% yours. If you are to reference the work of others, please reference them properly. Put links in there that links back to the original piece, but DO NOT copy it word for word.

If there are other writers who are found to be guilty of doing the same, you will be removed and banned from the publication.

Respect other writers and yourself

I know it’s not easy to write articles that take off and do well. Many of us still struggle to do that — even the big writers on this platform go through it from time to time.

But that’s why you need to focus on yourself, to improve yourself as a writer and to reach a point where your words will resonate well with your readers. Your own words, not the words from other writers.

Treat yourself as a writer with respect. Treat other writers with respect as well and don’t claim the work of another as your own.

As much as I said just because it’s a new year, doesn’t mean everything is wiped clean, it is still a good chance to start fresh and make things better for yourself and others.

On a side note, I would just like to thank each and every one of you for your continuous support for making this publication a great one. Again, when I first started it, there was no plan to make it huge. It was just a place where writers can find a home for their own work if they couldn’t find anywhere else for it.

But just a year plus in and this publication has grown to a strong 2,000 followers and it’s only been possible because of YOU.

Will it ever get big to the likes of The Ascent, The Writing Cooperative, The Startup, etc.? Who knows? It may or it may not. But the main objective of this publication remains the same. To help house articles which may not have a home to call their own.

That being said, I do hope to see each and every writer on this platform — old or new — continue to grow and improve.

May we all achieve our Medium goals, as well as life goals in this new year.

Again, stay safe, be careful, and here’s to a much better year in 2021 for all of us.


Founder & Chief Editor of Writers’ Blokke



Benny Lim
Writers’ Blokke

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time. https://iambennylim.medium.com/membership