Writing Pains

Some hard truths about writing

Xennariel Revenlyr
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

There are many many books and articles that highlight the positivity of writing and becoming a writer. This is not one of those articles.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but being a writer isn’t all rainbows, sunshine, and unicorn farts. If you’re sensitive to failure, I would suggest choosing a different career path. Writing is not for the weak.

Not everyone can cut it as a writer

Despite what people say, no, not everyone can be a writer.

Writing requires at least some amount of imagination, creativity, and knowledge about the craft.

Just like I will never have what it takes to be a mathematician or a surgeon, some people will never be writers. And you know what? That’s okay. Everyone has their own strengths. Find yours.

Writing tips: What works for someone else might not work for you

Reading hundreds of writing advice articles and books can only get you so far.

If something’s not working, don’t push harder to make it work. Even if it sounds like a good idea. Even if the advice comes from the mouth of a ridiculously talented and successful author. Sometimes a writer has to find their way forward…



Xennariel Revenlyr
Writers’ Blokke

Gamer, wannabe artist, dog mom, and fantasy genre enthusiast. My dogs Zephyr and Maverick are my world. Consider supporting my work: https://ko-fi.com/xennariel