Corporate Glossary

You Discover You’re Underpaid. Now What?

How salary transparency and parity are changing and salary compression might be stuck.

Courtney Leigh
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

When Netflix red envelopes were arriving in mailboxes, my friend Bess had a sweet job with a famous tech firm in Silicon Valley.

Tech stock was frenzied. The first silicon valley millionaires were emerging, and Bess was smack in the middle of it all. Everyone who didn’t work in Silicon Valley thought that everyone who did was a millionaire “on paper” if not in real life.

One unremarkable day at her tech office, Bess walks to the copier and lifts the top to discover someone forgot their original on the glass.

Has this ever happened to you?

Leaving your original on the copier was the accidental “Reply All” for at least two generations.

Bess turned the page over and realized it belonged to her boss. It was an offer letter for the candidate she’d interviewed that week and would soon be training.

This candidate was both younger and less experienced than almost anyone on the team, including Bess.

This week’s Corporate Glossary Term: Salary Compression

