You know it’s your real passion when you love it enough to endure the frustation that comes along.

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2021
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Elizabeth Gilbert, in her book “Big Magic”, gave us an important lesson about passions and work. This lesson can help us understand if our passion is true and if we are truly committed to pursue it.

She said that in every kind of passion there is frustation and failure and that learning how to endure them is a part of the job of a creative person.

In her opinion frustation is not an interruption of the process, it is the process.

For example: if you truly love having babies than you don’t care about the sickness and the pain, you endure it. If you truly want to be a writer you don’t care about the frustation of not being published, you endure it.

Mark Manson once said:

The question is not so much: what are you passionate about?, the question is: what are you passionate enough about that you can endure the most disegreeable aspects of the work?

We all don’t like the bad things but we know that we have to face them sometimes ( exept if you’re super lucky ). Ask yourself if you love your passion that much to endure the worst things about it, accepting them without giving up, and moving on in your journey.

If it is your true passion, than you love the process and the journey. You accept the results, even the bad ones. You don’t care if something goes wrong because you love doing what you are doing and you don’t care only about the results.

If you do what you do only to see good results than it isn’t your true passion.

It’s normal to be sad if something goes wrong but if you are truly committed to your passion than you move on without giving up. You accept the failure and eventually learn from it.

If you feel like giving up on something after a failure than it isn’t your true passion because even if you failed you would have continued no matter what.

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Writers’ Blokke

Dreamer | Psychology lover | Music and Tv series addicted. Sharing life advice, personal growth and general tips on how to live better.