Your body depends on this “stay young diet”

Keeping healthy is the only way to age gracefully

Writers’ Blokke
5 min readNov 11, 2021


Photo by Jamie Matociños on Unsplash

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Diet”? Imagine what you will do if, at your next checkup, the doctor says “think am recommending you go on a diet”?

I can only imagine the thoughts swimming around your mind right now. I am about to give you the best news you will ever hear. I am about to share this diet that will not only get your body in order but will treat the anxiety associated with the word “diet”.

The only diet you will ever need!

I know at the sight of the word diet you are counting all the things that you will have to sacrifice. I can remember while counseling patients on a healthy lifestyle, at the mention of the word “diet” they would physically cringe with pain. But this diet is not like those diets, instead of sacrificing your favorite foods you eat every food group in moderation. What is this diet? It is a Balanced-Diet.

A balanced diet is to consume meals with adequate amounts of all the major food groups and sufficient water consumption. This is my definition of a balanced diet because it represents exactly what the diet is composed of.

How does a Balanced diet help you?

Before I list all the amazing benefits of a balanced diet, I want to explain how it works for your benefit. I would always hear the saying “too much of something isn’t good for anything” and this holds even in diet and exercise. The way I see it is, If you take more than you need then there will be irregularities in the body. A few common examples are diabetes and hypertension. But consuming too little leads to deficiencies a pause in regular function. Therefore, what must you do?

Practice temperance, by eating a balanced diet.

Let me list all the benefits of a balanced diet:

  1. You will maintain a healthy body, free of disorders caused by erratic eating habits. This diet keeps all the organs working optimally and as a result, aids in preventing non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases.
  2. By consuming only what is needed, you can maintain a perfect BMI. How? Stemming from №1, with a balanced diet the body can regulate internal functions effectively. The body quickly uses what is needed, replenishes stores, and excrete the extras, leaving no room for extra storage as fat.
  3. In children, a balanced diet is even more crucial, especially for proper growth and development. Like in adults, too little nutrition cause deficiencies and too much ends in regulatory diseases. Either way growth and development are impeded.
  4. You can temporarily pause the effects of aging. In a balanced diet are all the nutrients in the amounts needed. Specifically, the vitamins and minerals, which boost immunity and keep cells in tip-top shape. Aka no more wrinkles or fine lines.
  5. Last but not least, a balanced diet contributes to a healthy mental and emotional wellbeing. If you are constantly sick then you are constantly sad. And sadness leads to a lot of other negative emotions and habits. Some foods can boost the happy hormone, and no I don't mean ice cream and chocolate.1

The information presented was taken from the article 5 Must-Have Components For A Well-Balanced Diet written by Sowmya Binu.

Photo by Jens Erik Ebbesen on Unsplash

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet was compiled after years of testing and investigation. Nutritionists have since established a guide to help regular persons stay healthy. That was the origin of the “My Plate” guide. Whether you are eating breakfast, lunch, or diner, the same guide applies.

Picture from 5 Must-Have Components For A Well-Balanced Diet on

This concept divides the plate into 3 sections:

  1. Carbohydrates-rich food. Bread, pasta, whole grains, and all the starch food like potatoes fall here. It is just 25% of the plate, which means only the amount that can fit into 25% (or 1/4) of the plate of any 1 carbohydrate food, that’s all for this meal.
  2. Protein-rich foods. Again only 25% of the plate is designated to protein. Anything that you like.
  3. Fruits and vegetables. This group composes half of the plate. I know many wide-eyes are staring at this article right now, but you didn't see an error. 50% of the plate should be of fruits and vegetables. Let me explain why. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals and are an effective form of fiber on this plate.

Now I'll give you one of my favorite breakfast plates. I will have:

a.2 slices of toast, with or without butter

b. 1 egg (however I prefer that day), + 2 sausages

c. 1 banana and 1 orange

d. 1 glass of milk

You can mix and match all the good foods at your disposal and create amazingly delicious meals that are healthy for the body.

Exipure is a supplement that helps to increase the body’s metabolism. It naturally encourages weight loss.

Exipure improves metabolism and encourages weight loss

Let’s recap

You don’t have to be afraid when you hear the word diet. A balanced diet does not make sacrifices instead, it allows you to sample from all the food groups but in moderate amounts. This way the body gets all the nutrients it needs and excretes everything it doesn’t. The “My Plate” guide is commonly used to help regular persons create healthy meals that are neither deficient nor excessive. So get in on this life-changing cause to create a healthier world.

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Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash



Writers’ Blokke

My name is Abika, I started writing like everyone did to earn money during the pandemic now I just enjoy it. Medicine is my specialty but except lots more.