Listen: You're going to love me one day

Lady Teabird
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2021
The Wait by Ladyteabird

Dear future someone,

You don’t know it yet, but you are going to love me one day.

Now, prepare yourself for the ravings of a desperate soul.

I don’t know what I want from you. I don’t know who I want you to be or how I want you to act. But I know how I want you to make me feel.

I want us to say the words that have been spoken a million times before us as if it were their first time being spoken. It will be because you make me feel as if those words are new and ours alone.

I search for your face all around me. Maybe I think that if I search hard enough and remain alert, I’ll have a better chance at finding you. That doesn’t work. I’m too discriminating and cold in my evaluations. I look with an eye trained for one thing while I need something else.

Sometimes I wonder if we have met before. If you noticed me, if I even noticed you.

I bet you didn’t notice me. That’s not my self-deprecating voice speaking. That is my rational side simply stating the facts. But to be fair, I probably noticed you but had to look twice and a thousand times over before I realized that I really didn’t know anything about you. Just when I thought I had you all figured out, you showed me something different and I had to look through everything before to match it to the person I now know. You’re a surprise that I am not too scared to accept.

If we have met before, I hope one day our paths will cross again. I bet you can tell that I am new at this. I’m finally lost for words because I don’t know if there are words for what I want to feel.

It is difficult for me to imagine your existence. Half the time I think I am too busy engaged in imaginary worlds and to have one of my fantasies materialize is surreal. All I do is dream but those dreams feel too fabricated and well set out. I don’t think anything between you, and I will ever be simple.

Simple would mean I have gone back to reality. I do not want to return to reality. I want to find another mad soul, a searching soul, trying to consume as much of the world as it can while it still has the time.

But don’t get too caught up in searching the world. I want to be the jigsaw puzzle that you spend your entire life trying to figure out as I do the same. Learning, unlearning, and relearning for the rest of our lives.

Who are you searching for? Have you found them yet? How?

Please share your stories :)



Lady Teabird
Writers’ Blokke

Still trying to figure out where I am but I’m pretty sure I’m off by a continent, a few galaxies, and…yep, I just missed the last turn to nowhere.