You’re Having a Baby

Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2021

Babies are God’s greatest miracles, angels on this earth.

Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash

Can this quote also for babies born out of wedlock? There are many mothers and fathers to be who believe an unplanned pregnancy is a punishment brought on by God. I can tell you that this is not the truth; in fact, it is the furthest thing from it. God loves all his children legitimately birthed in a marriage or illegitimate created in the heat of the moment; due to actions made by the immature and irresponsibility of the young parents. Whether it is a foolish wish of a broken heart looking for love, or whims of drunken and stoned parents. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it. Well, it is time we stop sugarcoating some people’s shortcomings and call it what it is…irresponsible.

God uses your actions to bless you when the opportunity has come. You see, you decide to sleep with the other part of this mother-father situation you have placed yourself in. God will ensure that you have the things you are required for you and your baby to survive. Thriving to gain extra will come in the form of God’s blessings when you understand your mistake and own the consequences of your actions. (These are the growing pains that all parents endure when raising a baby). Layman’s terms; you messed up, now take care of your baby, and deal with the learning times when they come along.

All in God’s time, this is true. The bible tells us that all things are in God’s time, but here is a hint I want to give you. God delivers blessings when you take ownership of your actions, blame no one but yourself for YOUR actions, and repent. When this occurs, God will sustain you and you will receive his favor. He will guide you to raise a child born as a blessing, not a trial to endure.

What does that mean? I am supposed to be happy that I got pregnant after a one-night stand?

Be happy about what; that you got pregnant. Well, if it was after a one-night stand, and you and your sex-buddy were ‘tapping’ around then no, you cannot be happy. I am sure that you are scared, worried, and feeling a little trapped, but in the baby’s defense, this was unplanned and irresponsible on both of your parts. Here is something to keep in mind whether male or female, do not trust the other to provide the protection you need. You are ‘grown’ enough to take risks, then be responsible enough to protect yourself. There are no reasons that an unplanned pregnancy should happen in this world. A woman has the right to choose, so choose to get some form of birth control before the pregnancy occurs.

Well, let’s say I get pregnant, what should I do?

You have to pull up your big girl panties or big boy pants and take responsibility. You gain God’s favor when you speak up and say, I messed up. I was irresponsible and had not thought the actions through past the night all things occurred. (At this point, I would ask God to forgive your stupidity and ask for forgiveness. I would also ask that God not punish your child for my idiotic non-thinking activities.

God loves you; he wants you to come to him in humility, with a heart wanting love and guidance, and a contrite spirit to bring you back up again. This time you and your child will be closer to him.

Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash

Jesus Christ is the only way to God; he is the truth and the light. Besides, he also loves the babies. You can learn so much about him by reading the scriptures. You will learn the way to this world of love, truth, and spiritual growth.

At the end of the day; when all is said and done, it is your choices, your attitude, and actions that will gain blessings. In layman’s terms, if you do not want to marry the mother/father of your baby tomorrow, stay out of bed with them tonight.



Sandi Sipe
Writers’ Blokke

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.