You’re Stuck

Get mad to get moving again

Katierene Rosz
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJun 24, 2023


Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

Use Your Anger to Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever felt like you’re not making progress toward your goals and dreams? It’s a frustrating feeling, but it’s also a common one. Most people go through periods of feeling stuck or stagnant in their lives.

I came across a podcast, Get Mad At Where You Are In Life (To Get Ahead Of 99% Of People), that discusses dealing with this negative emotion.

The power of negative emotions can propel us to get ahead in life.

Dan Koe, the host, has a unique structure of thought process in articulating this concept. It touches on the core of knowing yourself. And then spiraled up to give you a big picture of understanding yourself and the situation you are in.

Let’s delve into this concept and explore how getting mad can propel you ahead of 99% of people.

Why Getting Mad Can Be a Good Thing

Getting mad at where you are in life forces you to confront the reality of your situation. It’s easy to stay in denial or make excuses for why you’re not making progress.

But when you get mad, you’re acknowledging that something needs to change.

Anger can also give you the energy and motivation you need to take action. When you’re angry, you’re more likely to be proactive and take control of your life.

You’re not waiting for things to happen to you; you’re making things happen.

“Character creates action, and action reinforces character. If you want to change who you are, challenge your beliefs.” ~ Dan Koe

How to Use Your Anger to Get Ahead

So, how can you use your anger to get ahead in life? Koe suggests a few strategies:

Set clear goals. When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, it’s easier to channel your anger into action.

Write down your goals and make a plan for how you’re going to achieve them.

Take small steps. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re trying to make big changes in your life.

Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it easier to take action and see progress.

Stay focused. It’s easy to get distracted or discouraged along the way. Keep an eye on your goals.

Keep reminding yourself why you’re doing this and what you hope to achieve. When you’re feeling angry or frustrated, use that energy to fuel your actions.

Don’t let your anger consume you; use it as a positive force for change.

“Feel into the situation you are in. Transmute that energy toward a goal. Acquire the skills necessary to reach that goal.” ~ Dan Koe

Personal note

The podcast (also in the newsletter article) touches on an important point about the role of discomfort in growth and success. Getting mad at where you are in life may not be a pleasant feeling, but it can be a powerful motivator for change.

Let’s remember that our current circumstances do not define our future. Let us embrace the power within us to break free from stagnation and create the life we’ve always desired.



Katierene Rosz
Writers’ Blokke

HR-IT pro, digital creator, and content writer sharing insights on self-awareness, retrospection, and mindfulness. Join me on this journey of self-discovery!