The Big Question: How Has Civilization Developed Over The Past Centuries?

Ishaan Writes
writers cheer club
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2024
Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered and thought as you walk out of the door for work “How have we come a long way in achieving this type of civilization?” One with all the advancements a man can have and all the free perks. And one with a multi-party democracy. well, it was all thanks to the ingenuity of man. And today we will be looking at how we became the first species of animal that developed this world.

1. From Nomads To Communities

Have you ever thought about how we humans became from unstable Homo Sapiens to diverse communities flourishing with life? Well, it was all thanks to the development of our brains. You see when we evolved from apes to Homo Sapiens, our brains were not that developed and strong. But our brains matured when we started walking around in groups and trying out foods like wild berries and knowing what animals to stay away from. Our brains also matured when we discovered elements like fire and learned how to make tools and weapons for survival. But, an achievement we should be thankful for was learning how to farm. Farming was discovered by accident when one nomad thought that they could take the seeds and put them into the ground and wait in that area for a long time. Then, once he discovered that that system could work, he built a small settlement near his crops and waited. Then other nomads were interested and joined his settlement. When there was a surplus of food, they would store it for the times they needed it. Another thing we also need to be thankful for is the discovery of animal domestication. Animal domestication also started when one nomad thought domesticating an animal instead of killing it would be a good idea. This started with the discovery of dairy products and other animal products. Soon, the idea of domestication and farming communities thrived and spread around the world to other nomads.

Photo by Claudia Fernández Ortiz on Unsplash

2. From Communities To Cities

Have you ever wondered how we transformed from small farming communities to large cities? Well, this was only possible with more people joining the small farming communities fad, there would be more overpopulation and more buildings and complexes would be built. Soon there would become towns, and then cities. Another thing that helped these communities was trade with other communities. See, trade is a miracle for building and growing civilizations. Plus, you could get more food and supplies if you trade. So, more civilizations started trading and growing. This made farming communities turn into large cities in a matter of years.

Photo by Constantinos Kollias on Unsplash

From Cities To Countries

well, we all know how big civilizations kinda turned into cities after they crumbled right? Well, The real reasons why civilizations might have are listed below….

  • Natural catastrophe
  • War
  • Pestilence
  • Famine
  • Economic collapse
  • Population decline or overshoot
  • Mass migration
  • Sabotage by rival civilizations
  • Now

Now, the blow our civilization will face is war, because it is the most common blow for many warring civilizations. After the war, millions of residents might have died because they were drafted by the military, or they were killed in direct warfare. now after the war, the surviving people of this civilization will find themselves in a barren land which was their civilization. Now there might be a chance of survivors dying in conflict with other survivors for resources, or they might take refuge in more peaceful civilizations. After a few thousand years, cities might form in the ruins. Let us take Rome as an example. The Roman Empire ruins are even in the city of Rome. And they have been treated as tourist destinations, like the Colosseum.


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Ishaan Writes
writers cheer club

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