The Dark Cave: The Problems with Social Media

Ishaan Writes
writers cheer club
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2024

According to the University of Michigan study, 210 million people worldwide are addicted to social media. This is a really big problem. let's dive into the problems of social media and the effects it is portraying on our generation.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

False Information —

You know that feeling when you go on social media and you see a post saying “Breaking news: aliens spotted in the Nevada desert!” You have that feeling in your mind to believe that but it sounds a little off. There are no aliens in the Nevada desert. And this is a fake social media post. This problem has been itching big into social media and has been a big problem. Fake news has also spewed up a lot of trouble. In 2019, 5G cell towers started appearing around the world to give faster mobile connections. Some people did not trust the spread of 5G networks around the world. Some 5G network towers were being built near Wuhan, China, which was the first place to receive coronavirus cases. Viruses do not spread through radio and electromagnetic waves, they spread through droplets that come from the nose. But the most hilarious and ridiculous part was that some people decided to believe that the virus spreads through radio waves. after that belief struck, many people started to believe that radio waves were the ones to blame. After that spread, more than 20 cell towers were burned down by believers of the ridiculous conspiracy theory in the United Kingdom (UK).

This photo is sourced from politico


Have you ever spent hours watching YouTube shorts or Tictok and you tend to lose time while doing that? Sorry mate, but you are not the only one who stays on social media daily. According to the University of Michigan study, 210 million people worldwide are addicted to social media. Now that is a lot. So, what again are the problems of social media addiction? Well, it depends on what person you are. If you are a family guy, you would spend too much time on social media and would tend to avoid your family. If you were a work-and-office type of guy, you would get fired for looking at Reddit when you were actually supposed to do your work. If you were an exercise and gym person you would bunk your workout days just to like a post on Instagram. So this all could have very negative effects on your lifetime goals.

Cyber-bullying —

now this problem is mainly focused on kids, but we will take it because it is a main problem. Let's picture you are a kid and you are looking through Instagram. you find a post and you comment “Hay dude, cool post”. after a few minutes of commenting, another person comes in and says “This post is so likely to get zero views because it is useless!!” Then you comment something mean on the mean guy and the fighting just breaks out. Because it is user-to-user, this one is the worst con of social media. So what do you do when someone is texting you mean comments? First, if they keep doing that to irritate you, you can block them. If that doesn't work, you can tell them gently to stop.


Social media is a dangerous thing, but is it that dangerous that we have to stop it once and for all? Well, turns out we don't. Social media websites like LinkedIn connect ordinary people with bosses and employers. This website also is a coordination website with different people who have the same skills as you do. So, social media is not a bad thing, unless you are not getting too addicted!


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Ishaan Writes
writers cheer club

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