Writer’s Clay

Join Me at My Other Writing Magazine!

At In Omnia Paratus, you’ll learn, laugh, think, and more . . . even if you aren’t a Gilmore Girls fan OR a writer.

Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay
Published in
Sep 6, 2022


You’ll find twice-weekly articles about writing, social issues, pop culture, and more, all using the hit TV show Gilmore Girls as a lens.

We’ve got opinions, and we’ve got a lot to say!

Whether you’re a Gilmore Girls super fan or you’ve never seen the show,

Whether you like or hate Gilmore Girls,

Whether you’re a writer or a reader,

You’ll enjoy In Omnia Paratus.




Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay

USA Today bestselling, award-winning author. Word nerd. Chocoholic. Mom. Deals, newsletter, books & more: https://taplink.cc/annette.lyon