Poets Whose Poems Will Give You a Mesmerizing Experience

Giving them attention is worth your time

Sahil Patel
Writers Daily
2 min readJul 12, 2021


Photo Credit:- By Thoughts CAtalog On Medium

I have hosted poetry challenges on Medium. I am still running one poetry challenge in The Lark Publication. I love to inspire people by giving them regular prompts.

There are so many poets who took part in my poetry challenge. There are some great poets who write great poems and don’t have so many views in their profile.

So, here I am to introduce all of you to some fabulous writers I found during my poetry challenge. You will love their poetry.

Jeff Ehren is a great poet. Besides, the poetry he writes television and film reviews. He has his own publication New Day Poetry. He mostly shares all poems in his own publication. I recommend you go through his publication of poems. It’s like a home of poetry where you will find poetry from love poetry to sad poetry etc.

Thanks a lot, Jeff Ehren for participating in my poetry challenge and giving my prompts your valuable time.

Here, are some great pieces of poetry he wrote for my poetry challenge.

I hope you all enjoy his poetic pieces.

Colleen Millsteed is a great poet. I met her on Vocal Media. After some time, she joined Medium. She is a new writer on Medium. She is a versatile poet.

She writes from her heart. Her writing will touch your soul. She believes she spent her life writing poems but she never had the guts to put them in front of people. However, platforms like Medium and Vocal Media give us a chance to put our work in front of people.

Here, are some of the great pieces written by her.

These are my two favorite poets whom I found through my poetry challenge. I hope you enjoy their poetry.

Besides this, I am really grateful to Denise Larkin for giving me chance to host the poetry challenge in The Lark publication featured below.

Thanks a lot for creating another great publication where I can post my writing experience.

