Become a Better Story Teller

Hepza Hart
Writer’s Diary
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2023

Hook your readers with a finger-licking story — Show Your Work Series# 5 & 6.

Photo by Chad Montano on Unsplash

Unlike most people selling online, Writing is not just a business, it is an art.

Leave successful, you want to become a good writer? you have to be a better storyteller first.

Remember Mr. Roy G Biv — the man of many colors, who helped us to memorize the colors of a rainbow as a kid? [ ROYGBIV -Colors of the rainbow in order ]

Or should I talk about Mr. BB Roy of Great Britain who has a very good wife? Who helped us to recollect the resistor color coding?

These things live rent-free in our memory mansion because of the way they have been taught — Better Stories.

In this post, we are gonna chit-chat about “How to become a better storyteller”

So without further ado, let’s scroll on.

Pick out fine tomatoes:-

To cook a fine dish, you require good-quality ingredients.

The same goes for writing. You expect a well-garnished piece as your output, your influences need to be better.

Thus don’t just stop with the “How to Become a Writer” blogs. Make room for other stuff too.

Fill your cart with a handful of fiction books, read some legit blogs of other writers, try magazines, or watch good movies. Anything that piques your interest.

This way you can learn a lot of new words as well as new ways to use the old ones you knew.

For Example, Instead of “The kid did exactly what his father did” — You could use, “The Kid mirrored his father”.

“Did you know? The Renowned Fifty Shades Trilogy was started as a Twilight Fanfiction. “

When you read an amount of good works you’ll start to see their influence in your work too.

Saute , Saute , Saute:-

You learned the recipe from the legends, jotted down the ingredients, and altered it as per your preference. Good.

Now it’s time to cook them.

You can’t directly serve them to your consumers. Well, you can until it is a Salad. Whereas when we are thinking about a Pizza, it’s quite complicated than that.

You need to let the dough set, mix the sauce, cut the toppings in size, and grate the cheese. You need the in-between process. Tis what makes a scrumptious pizza.

In my experience, most of the pitches and ideas I’d claim as my good work came after a little bit of churning during the “Me time”.

Therefore process the information you read, listen to, and watch. Let them cook in your head.

You can’t just write and write and write. You are not Chat GPT. You’ll burn out (of ideas or motivation) soon.

You need a writing routine. When I say that, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to write daily.

Not just tapping your keyboard to form words — but reading, dreaming, editing, and plotting, all are part of the writing routine.

A Medium post enlightened me You don’t have to write every day and it changed the way I looked at my writing schedule — So Chapeu to the author Stephanie D. Rondeau. Give her post a try you won’t regret it.

Circling back to my point, go for a walk, meditate, Do Yoga, or work out. Fold your Laundry, Have Sex. What I am trying to say is, mute all the channels you received the inputs from. Let the dough sit.

Allow your mind to do the mendings. Place the puzzle pieces in place and eventually but surely you’ll come up with a story plot or the blog frame you are working on.

Master the Dishes :

You aren’t gonna become Gordon Ramsay overnight because you binge-watched all the trending recipe videos.

You gotta try it again and again and again.

First, you’ll do whatever is on the notes, then gradually you’ll understand the purpose of the ingredients and then you’ll try to alternate a spice for the other — then one day you’ll do it without even measuring the flour.

It requires practice to master any skill and practice makes perfect. The exact rule applies to storytelling too.

You can read all the “ Ways to Become an Online Writer” and Tips to write good blogs all you want, however, if you don’t put your pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) you’ll never learn, let alone master the art.

Every artist's pet peeve is looking at their early-stage work.

It is simple, basic, cliche. and that’s okay. Because it is what gonna put you on the path to success.

You’ll only become a better storyteller as you tell stories.

To dish up,

You want to be a better story storyteller? add some quality content to your pan. Then take a break to process it, and allow yourself to experience different things.

Be an amateur, Try everything, make mistakes, and learn from them. When you do that, your output will replicate it, your story will be finger-licking delicious and people will come back for more.

Show Your Work# 5 & 6

Do you find this post-finger-licking good? Leave me some tips (Claps and comments, duh)

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Hepza Hart
Writer’s Diary

Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -