The first step toward getting the things you want

Owning that you want them

Cynthia Koo
Chasing Magic
2 min readApr 7, 2014


The second step? Arguably, to write them down.

“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for—and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.”

—Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Invitation

The “I want to do/be/have” list

This list spilled out of me last weekend. On Sunday, a friend of mine gave her inaugural leadership seminar—the first of many—and posed a prompt for those of us in attendance to respond to at home.

What do you want to do/be/have?

I couldn’t wait. I wrote down 20+ things right then and there. It embarrassed me slightly how easily they came to me—and how quickly I reached five, ten, twenty items.

But if there’s anything I‘ve learned, it’s that your thoughts are the gatekeepers of your reality. So. Own the things you want. You get to shape the contours of what’s possible for your life. So what preposterous dreams have you never told anyone? Let’s talk both massively scaled and miniscule. What do you want to wake up tomorrow to do—and what do you want to be said about you when you die? How do you want to feel—how do you want to be loved? What do you want from the people closest to you—what do you want for them?

Here’s my list. What’s on yours?

  1. I want to make things that matter.
  2. Things that are beautiful.
  3. Things that I’m proud of.
  4. I want to be respected for my creative output.
  5. I want to be proud of my creative output.
  6. I want to be good.
  7. I want to feel mastery.
  8. I want to write.
  9. I want to draw photorealistic portraits.
  10. I want to dance.
  11. I want to experience the thrill of performing.
  12. I want my body to listen to me.
  13. I want to have multiple careers that I love.
  14. I want to direct a film.
  15. Write a novel.
  16. Give a TED Talk.
  17. I want to spend a week in Paris in the spring taking art classes.
  18. I want to travel to beautiful places with people I love.
  19. I want to have a good relationship with my parents.
  20. I want to be counted on to show up.
  21. I want to love, fiercely, uninhibitedly, gracefully.

What’s on your list? I’d love to know—if you want to share: or @cyn_koo

As a part of my endeavor to rediscover my first love — writing — I’m writing one thing every week, for a year. If you enjoyed this, please click “Recommend” below, say hi on Twitter, or come find me on Instagram! I’d love to hear from you. ☺



Cynthia Koo
Chasing Magic

Designer, entrepreneur, obsessive list maker. Chief Dimsum Eater at Wonton In A Million