Tsunami Story: I Survived

(Flash Fiction Parody)



“This is Chrys Fey reporting for Disaster 5 News. I am in Hawaii on the big island where a tsunami hit yesterday morning. I have Juneta Key a tourist who was on vacation here at the time with me, a survivor of the tsunami. Juneta, can you tell our viewers what happened, and how you survived?“

[“It was a beautiful day. Sunny. Warm. The water calm, and then it just receded, but before that…

The warnings came in. The hotel staff scrambled starting evacuation preparations telling us that routes out and transportation were limited. One purse or a small case was all you were allowed to take with you. Something you can easily carry or sit in your lap.

The luxury resort was remote. I ended up on the last land rover out. We were a parade bumper to bumper all going the same direction. The road was rural, snake-like and narrow and steep. Signs were posted at entry stations top and bottom of the mountain with radio communications between the two points because there was no room for two-way vehicle traffic.

Vehicles were packed, staff and tourists. The sweet smell of hibiscus-laced the air. I could hear the roar of waterfalls in the distance, but not animals. Hardly any…

