10 Thoughts On Carrie Bradshaw As A Writer

Sarah Talty
Writers Guild
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2018


Photo by Rob Bye on Unsplash
  1. She’s the 90’s answer to a modern day Taylor Swift.

2. She doesn’t seem to have a set writing schedule.

3. She always works at home. She never rocks up to a coffee shop or to a shared office. It’s nice to mix it up every now and then girl besides from just switching from your bed or desk.

4. How is she paid SO well, she is able to eat out all the time and buy designer shoes?

5. Her friends support her at fancy work events but I never hear them gush about an article of hers they’ve read over brunch? And it’s not like she writes about business and politics! She writes about things they talk about 99% of the time anyways. Granted you also never hear them ask Miranda how a case is going.

6. She rarely ever complains about writer’s block or deadlines?

7. Carrie never seems to stop to scribble down an idea in case she forgets it.

8. I am just incredibly jealous she is from a time when newspapers and print magazines weren’t shutting down left right and centre. In today’s world she would be nervously writing her column, while also freelancing for 10 different clients.

9. How come none of her partners ever call her up and say something like, “hey Carrie just read this week’s column and when you talked…



Sarah Talty
Writers Guild

🍀 Journalist, Writer, Reader, Traveller, Dreamer, Dog Lover 💭 online portfolio: sarahtalty.com