3 Lessons About Medium Publications I Wish I‘d Known About Earlier

Editors are not your writing mentors.

Sinem Günel
Writers Guild
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2020


Photo by Jess Bailey on UnsplashNote: This post is NOT about Medium-owned publications.

I started writing on Medium 2.5 years ago, failed for 1.5 years, and grew my following from 3k to 20k in 2020.

And the only reason I managed to turn the game upside down and succeed after failing for 1.5 years is that I stopped listening to all the bullshit advice that most creators share.

You need to share your work on social media or follow other people so that they follow you back are just two of many such crappy pieces of advice that won’t help you grow your income or audience here.

Instead, I focused on understanding the foundational rules that truly matter and created a formula that has allowed me to make the platform work for me instead of against me.

One of these foundational rules is to view publications as your partners and collaborate with them to grow your audience, impact, and income.

If I’d start on Medium from scratch, the first thing I’d do is researching the most influential publications in my niche and understanding what they’re looking for.

Fortunately, that’s also what most beginners here do.

However, what I realized in the past months is that most people have wrong…

