A Hero’s Journey of Healing Begins With Self-Connection

Bruce Dickson
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2015

A successful Hero’s Journey of self-healing starts with greater self-connection. Where else could it begin?

A beloved 1990s meme. The website: http://www.bubblehead.la/shop/

Did you around 100 diverse methods of self-connection exist now? Which methods have you tried? Did you find at least one workable for you? That’s the goal. If meditation or yoga aren’t workable for you, try Internal Family Systems or tennis. Many women use dancing as a self-connection method.

Google tells me “self-connection” is lately being defined as a “state of being.” From the perspective of 70 years of humanistic-holistic health and healing, we can improve on this:

Self-connection is an INTENTION, an intention towards PERSONAL WHOLENESS.

Out of your INTENTION towards greater personal wholeness, comes your CHOICES of one more or METHODS to increase self-connection.

Let’s also clear up a confusion people have about self-connection. Self-connection is only the tail of a bigger dog. The whole of the dog is the Inner Game of Life. How are you playing — or avoiding — your inner Game of Life?

This is the challenging big question hidden with the seemingly harmless phrase “self-connection.”

If we ignore the absurd Bubblehead name, we have here a rare pop image of a feminine Journey into self-awareness and self-connection. If you know other good images of women waking up to their own healthy self-connection, please share with me.

Maybe you heard, the old word “spiritual” died. It died because “spiritual” now means what each person defines as“spiritual” for them and for them alone.

What is replacing “spiritual”? “Self-connection” is a phrase picking up much of the slack in English. Self-connection is what we often mean when we use the word “spiritual.”

“Self-connection” is easy to describe using the Three Selves. “Self-connection” points to communication, cooperation and collaboration between Conscious Waking Self and lower Immune System Self. John-Roger used to call this “inner cooperation.” “Self-connection” is inner cooperation between the lower two selves of your Three Selves in Ho’oponopono and MSIA.org.

The more our two lower selves, waking, chooser Self and our immune system self, can get along, the more we can make healthy choices about diet, health, sleep, lifestyle and relationships.

What happens if someone makes more healthy choices and decisions for 32 days or more? More contentment appears. Got contentment?

Self-connection as basis for self-mastery

Relatively few people are interested in self-mastery. If not your cup of tea, you can skip this.

Any and every Heroes Journey seems to be a journey into greater self-mastery. I don’t make the rules. Look around you and see if this makes sense to you too.

The Heroes Journey includes accumulating healthy self-knowledge. Whee do you find self-knowledge? Thru your intention towards, and self-disciplined practice towards your chosen methods of self-connection.


For many of us, Neo in the Matrix movie, especially Matrix 1, demonstrated this personal transformation all successful heroes undergo. Neo demonstrated the personal nature of his transformation, with a depth rarely if ever equalled on screen.

To Learn More

The award-winning animation, “Winning the Story Wars — The Hero’s Journey” is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPKzF2tFgfs

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Author, Health Intuitive, Bruce Dickson updates his books as fast as he can:

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