Don Feazelle
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018


A Mist Clouding Your Creativity? Don’t Panic!

This morning, I opened the shades at 0530 to see what the day was offering and noticed a mist on the lake. I looked at my phone to check the temperature. Sixty degrees Fahrenheit is unusually cold for this time of the year.

Later when Kathy, my wife was getting ready for work, she said, “It looks like an Autumn day outside.”

The twist, we are in mid-July, South East Virginia, where the temperature rarely dips below seventy. We have a foretaste of what will come in a couple of months.

The morning mist reminded me of what I have felt like lately. You are burning up the keyboard along with the summer heat for days or weeks. Creativity sparks in the most mundane circumstances. Pleasant or unpleasant, every little nuance of life offers insight and inspiration.

Then THAT morning you wake up, and as hard as you try, you can’t clear the mist that has gathered around your pool of creativity. You think, “Has the fount run dry?” The inspiring words will not flow.

Your initial response might be to PANIC.

Do you panic?

Yes, your thinking is cloudy. You have a deadline to meet or goals of posting consistently.




Don Feazelle
Writers Guild

Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.