Children See; Children Do

Lorna Ye
Writers Guild
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018


Image from Pixabay

“You really should not spend too long on IPad!”

“No screaming, please!”

I could not count how many times I have said these to my 12-year-old. Repeatedly, the same comments often bounce back to me--“But you spent a lot of time on your iPhone.” “You screamed at me yesterday!”

“I am talking about you now. You know you should make a comparison between kids and adults.” Despite my forced calm and controlled temper, I know how pale my response was. I have failed to set a good model for my children in these aspects.

A lot of times, as parents, we are so obsessed with telling our children over and over gain on what they should or should not do, we do not see the link between our behavior and theirs.

Children are mirrors, reflecting what they observe. I remember when my daughter was three, one day I put a piece of facial treatment mask on my face. After 15 minutes, I took the mask off and the next minute she put it on her face. The reason was simple — “I want to be just like mommy.”

What children see most are their parents. Role modeling can an extremely important parenting tool. When we try to put discipline to our children, we need to put equal emphasis on ourselves.

Being consistent in educating and setting examples is critical. If you tell your child…



Lorna Ye
Writers Guild

Writer, blogger, and storyteller. Ph.D. in Communication.