Writers Guild
Published in
14 min readJun 6, 2019


“DELIVERING VALUE-BASED TRANSFORMATION IN PRIMARY CARE”-Government incentive, Solution by title, Deception between the lines…!

“DELIVERING VALUE-BASED TRANSFORMATION IN PRIMARY CARE”-Government incentive, Solution by title, Deception between the lines…!

Healthcare in America is in turmoil. Medical practice is taking another turn on a steep winding road paved with the political cobblestone by the hands of bureaucrats who repeatedly fail to see the concept of health and the healthcare as they flounder to comprehend the rationale of the 21st-century medical practice. Bureaucrats take shortcuts without appreciating the established solutions at their fingertips, as they even use buzzword like “patient empowerment” in the title of their citations when the entire paragraph under fails to describe its virtue.

Within the context of current healthcare solutions, there seems to be a significant discrepancy between what is cause and effect, hence overwhelming the physician community when ought to reward them. Or, it jeopardizes the quality of care, when the true objective is maximizing values. Imbalanced mandates increase the unnecessary burden despite shouting out the ambiguous slogan “patient and physician empowerment”. Political solutions pose the mission to drive for value-based reimbursement models at the outlay of pushbacks to devalue the physician’s role, while wasting Medicare funds in between, such as Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (CORF), and federally qualified health center solution (FQHC).



Writers Guild

In this vast tapestry of existence, I weave my thoughts and observations about all facets of life, offering a perspective that is uniquely my own.