
Shirley Patrick
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2018

CAUTION: To all those who have read my previous blogs — the one you're about to read will not have an inspiring story or a key takeaway. This blog is more about my paranoid self. After reading this some of you might say that I’m an OCD or Retarded. I totally get it. People who know me well will probably be smiling right now just by reading the title. Take away that smirk off your face.

The Train…

It all began after I joined my second job. I had to travel by train because it was the fastest commute. You might say “you can always ride a bike or drive a car.” I can’t imagine If I’m the cause for someone to go to hell or by God’s grace to Heaven.

Let’s get back to the story. When I step out of my home, I feel all pretty and then I see someone SPIT.. argh… I can picture myself using a hammer to break his/her skull. You might say WOW! Your imagination is incredible. Hold on, it actually gets worse. I actually picture myself with all the germs and bacteria from that person. I really would not mind jumping off the pavement to escape.

Mr.Smoker just puffs that bloody cigar on my face! Dude? How can you smoke right in the morning? That too on the pavement where people walk. Well, I just inhaled the smoke, despite wearing a scarf covering my face. I feel DISGUSTED.

People generally say, “Look up straight while walking”. How can I? Every time I walk, I need to check every step I take. (I’m not gonna say what I’m looking at.) I believe most of you will definitely have your share of a story to tell. It actually gets better when it rains. I make sure I reach office soon so I can wash my feat squeaky clean.

Please don’t litter because someday you might step on your own spit. Remind yourself not to litter because this is the only planet you can breathe. So keep it clean.

Central Station

Chennai Central these words just remind me of one thing: The U** Zone. If by any chance you pass this spot make sure you don’t faint by inhaling. It’s totally gross! What’s on my mind? I feel I should pour a bottle of Dettol to brush and scrub my lungs.

In the summer, I pray that the ladies compartment isn’t too crowded. Dear Ladies, deodorant was invented for a purpose, make sure to use it. And Aunties, please take a good look at the mirror before even commenting on what we wear. Cause when you ladies sweat it’s totally gross. Whenever I hold anything on the train, I make sure the first thing is to wash my hands before touching anything on my desk. (What’s on my mind: Just think of the places that person might have touched before holding the pole, it’s disgusting yuck!). Tissue, as kids we were taught to cover our nose and mouth while sneezing/coughing. But, who remembers the good stuff just the bad stuff right. For heaven’s sake, do you know how many viruses come out each time you sneeze or a cough? (almost 20,000 scientific facts)


Adults, who have short-term memory loss, please cover your nose and mouth while coughing/sneezing AT ALL TIMES. Please use a tissue or your sleeve, not your hands, because of it not advisable to use them!

Kindly wash your hands after traveling by public transport. Applies to both genders. I’m not going to talk about mixed compartments. Men, please don’t judge us because you’re a zillion times WORST!!

Do not excrete in public places, the train station and tracks aren’t your bathrooms. Be decent.

At last, when I reach home I soak myself completely…
Well, this is just a small part of my disgusting life. Thinking of actually writing the second part. Until then.




Shirley Patrick
Writers Guild

I write about how UX influence in Marketing and how both Marketers and Designers can leverage it. https://www.shirleypatrick.in/