Gwadar: India's Blunder and future of Pakistan

Karthick Nambi
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019


Map of Gwadar Source:

On 11 May 2019, a deadly terrorist attack on the Pearl Continental Hotel in Gwadar as a small hotel was condemned by the Chinese government as it was primarily targeting Chinese in the region. This begs a few questions.

1. What a five-star hotel is doing in a remote location in Pakistan
2. Why are Chinese working there

To answer these questions we need to go back in time.
China’s one belt one road policy is taking the world by storm and has reached the shores of the European Union. With Italy joining the initiative there are few more countries in the One Belt One Road project. This project has already become a financial trap too many countries and they are simply giving away a portion of their territory on lease to China. This has happened to Pakistan, Srilanka, etc. For more information on that see my other article One Belt One Road What the Chinese learned from Victorian era British

Gwadar is a relatively small town close to the Oman Gulf acting as a deep dock harbor for Pakistan. It lies in the Makran coast of Baluchistan. Gwadar was under the reign of Sultan of Oman from the 17th century though far away from Oman it served as an important port for raiding the Arabian sea. After the British took over the region of Baluchistan the region of Gwadar was highly…

