How I Learned that the Most Successful People Ask for Help…a Lot

Writers Guild
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2018

When I was in my twenties, I use to think I was so smart and so much smarter than those around me.

I love the naivety of your youth; it is such a blissful time, where you think you know better than anyone and everyone.

My thirties have taught me the importance of community. I have grown to understand the extreme value of support, honesty and unconditional love.

When I feel stressed out, overwhelmed, tired or sad, I reach out. I reach out for guidance, an ear to listen to my thoughts, a shoulder to cry on, and wisdom from other’s experiences.

I have learned that we will never know everything and we will never be able to do it all, but doing it all is NOT the goal.

We spend so much time in the rat race, trying to figure out what we have to gain from each and every situation, that we forget that we are all in this journey together.

Make it a daily practice to start lending your abilities to those around you. Make it an even greater daily practice to starting asking for support from people. Do not wait until things get so bad that others start seeing the cracks in your external armour.

Life is not (always) easy and it was not meant to be, but it was also not meant to be a solo journey.

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Writers Guild

I write about issues that are near and dear to my heart, with the hope that my stories, experiences, and struggles may empower others.