If you were given enough cash to fund your dreams, what would you do?

The answer is far more difficult than you think.

Kira Leigh
Writers Guild
Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2019


Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Everyone has dreams, big and small. Some of these dreams took root when people were young. Some of these dreams evolved as time passed.

Some people gave up on their dreams because reality kicked their ass.

I swear I wasn’t trying to rhyme there — it just sort of happened. Writing, often times, just happens for me.

But what never seemed to happen for me was making my dreams come true.

Because, for people like me, we have a lot of dreams, and making them all come true is kind of impossible.

Creatives, people with independent spirits, rebels, entrepreneurs and the like — we’re all just dreamers.

Many of us imagine how we’d build some amazing app that would help change peoples’ lives.

Many of us imagine making a living off of our artwork or our music.

Many of us want to work for ourselves — and many of us, including myself, do.

Many writers — possibly all writers even — would love nothing more than to get paid crafting characters people care about.

