3 reasons you should write every day

{whether you’re a writer or not}

Jordan Aspen
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2018


1. Writing daily destroys Imposter Syndrome.

Knowledge on a topic isn’t enough. In order for that knowledge to mean anything you have to implement it. Even bad implementation is better than none because it allows you to iterate and improve.

The only difference between an “aspiring writer” and a writer is that a writer writes. So it’s clear that writing daily is a good way for a writer to improve, but even if you aren’t a writer, writing daily can help you improve your craft.

No matter what you want to be known for, writing well will help you to be seen as an expert. If you can clearly articulate the details of your artistry you will be ahead of the masses who cannot. The ability to recount the stories of the success your clients find through you will help future clients be confident in hiring you. Clear written explanations of your process are the foundation of instruction that can become classes and courses.

Writing a little every day will help you to be confident in your knowledge. This confidence will destroy imposter syndrome.

2. Writing daily doesn’t have to be time-consuming.



Jordan Aspen
Writers Guild

Community Manager at Find Business Community 💑 Wife 👧👦👧👶 Mama 👩‍💻 Entrepreneur✍️