Indecision Kills

Kashif Ahmed Khan
Writers Guild
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2018
Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

There are always numerous alternatives and choices for everything, whether you are eager to buy a new dining table, switching your career, going to college for an MBA or looking for an in-demand programming language to learn you will find choices.

Choices put us a situation where our mind goes one way and the heart goes other. And a comparison between choices goes deeper and deeper but still can’t decide to go either way. Although it is must compare choices to take rationale decision but how on earth one can decide in comparison when alternatives are so quite similar?

A comparison can be simplified if you create a list of much needed or required attributes and rate them accordingly, then write down the alternatives and rate those attributes from each alternative to count which one earns the highest rating. Another way is to consult with users or experts, nowadays you don’t have to run after them or wait at their doorstep. You can just post it on any forum or google it, maybe someone else was in the same spot as you are. Or go with flipping a coin, the coin won’t decide for you but your heart will. The right choice is the choice you want the coin to show while it still in the air :)

Pick any method, take a decision and go for it. Do not worry about taking the wrong decision or ending up at the wrong destination, you can always come back and go another way. No one can tell you which path is the right one for you nor can you unless you try one. You may pick a path you wanted or you may make a mistake but don’t be afraid of making mistakes because mistakes are our greatest teacher.

Make mistakes because Mistakes are good, mistakes are beautiful!

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Kashif Ahmed Khan
Writers Guild

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