Is Publishing an Article Every Day a Mistake?

Seth Godin does it. Should you?

Aaron Schnoor
Writers Guild


Image by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Every writer on Medium has likely heard of Seth Godin. The American author, former tech executive, and marketing guru runs one of the most popular blogs in the world. Godin’s blog receives 600,000 visitors per month and has over one million subscribers.

One million! I know many writers who would give an arm and a leg for that type of influence.

But here’s the crazy part: Seth Godin publishes an article every single day.

That sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Just one simple post every day. But very few writers can publish daily — and even fewer can do it effectively. And yet, the strategy works for Godin. So could it work for you?

First, let’s review the benefits of publishing one article every day:

It will increase your creativity

You might think that publishing one article per day will create burnout and reduce creativity. Although this seems intuitive, Seth Godin explains that the opposite is true.

When you know that you have to publish a blog post tomorrow, Godin states, “You will start looking for something in the world to to write about. You will seek to notice something interesting and to say something creative

