My Brain Hurts

Rosilene Gatson
Writers Guild
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2019


Chauvinism & the Gender Pay Gap

I think that it’s underestimated. You know, all the things that we as women do within a single day. Okay, okay… I know that the aforementioned comment is not a new sentiment by far and, to some, may even seem a bit cliche… But is it really?

Hear me out.

Throughout the years we have grown in various ways as a culture, some of which can be construed as bad or good depending on who you’re asking, however, nothing is perceived in the same way by the collective whole.

During a time before me, women worked in the home taking care of their husbands and raising their children. They knew how to prepare a decent meal, bake a cake from scratch, and sew entire outfits from the comfort of their home dens. The men would come home from work wanting a whiskey — or some beverage of their choice — and there would be a fully prepared meal ready and waiting for their arrival. Women were astute checkbook overseers and the rational minds behind some of the fellas’ irrational decisions. Yet, that is not the case today.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I do not see women doing these things anymore. I am simply saying that encountering those types of women has proved to be elusive, but not because they aren’t performing those tasks any longer, simply because they are doing those things and much…



Rosilene Gatson
Writers Guild

I write Poetry, Spoken Word, Mental Health & Addiction & Recovery content. I am an author & write short stories too! Twitter: @hersphere IG: @mindbodysoulfoodie