Photo by T. Chick McClure

People are assholes.

Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.

Emily Durrance
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2018


Gone are the days of please and thank yous. As are peoples abilities to keep their crude and judgmental opinions to themselves. To make it even better, we can’t even go home and switch off. Our social media feeds are filled with it. From bigots to homophobes to the downright stupid, people seem to love to shove their asshole opinions down other peoples throats.

Excuse me while I gag.

I’m sick of it. What happened to if you cant say anything nice, don’t say anything at all? Okay, that might be going a tad too far, I value honesty above all else. But, if I do have to say something to say to someone that is not all roses, I try to be diplomatic about it. It’s not hard to be nice.

But the general populous seems to thrive off the negativity. Like a deer, frozen and staring into the headlights of it’s impending doom. We judge before we know or understand. If one person is throwing stones, rather than questioning their actions, we join in. Okay, I may be generalizing a little and I HATE it when a general population is put in the same boat (Muslims are NOT terrorists….terrorists are terrorists). Negativity is rampant, but why?

When did we go wrong? When did we become so ignorant, that we can’t even see the effects that our actions have on other people? Or, when did we stop caring?

The truth is, it’s much easier to ignore something or sweep it under the rug than it is to actually deal with the bigger issue.

We have lost our way.

Greed and selfishness have taken over. Our “leaders” don’t have the purest of intentions and that’s putting it nicely. Like puppets on a string, they steer us away from the actual problems in society. In a way, we are like children. If we don’t have good examples to lead the way, it’s easy to see how we can get lost. It’s part of the reason why we treat others the way we do. Someone paved the way first and made it “okay” or “normal”. So it breeds and reaches epidemic proportions.

We are all in it for ourselves.

But we can change.

Everything we do in life is a choice. Every decision, every action, every word. How we treat others is OUR choice. We have more power as individuals than we realize. Even more when we fight together. So long as that fighting doesn’t involve marginalizing or belittling people, I’m all in.

A positive person is like a diamond in the rough. When I find one, I hold on to them like my life depends on it. Seriously, if you are one, keep it up. You are rare and precious!

So, what do you choose? Because ultimately, being an asshole is all on you. Just keep your opinions to yourself.

