Practice the Pause

Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Writers Guild
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


A minute here and there helps develop the ability to use the pause at any given time; almost an on-demand pause of the soul.

Pause and listen to the still small voice in your mind telling you which way to go, whether to the right or to the left. The pause, helps you stay in-tune with the inner spiritual workings in the Soul.

Deeply held feelings

wait for movement

to return to the surface.

Pausing gives power to the ever-moving noise of the day. Pausing gives you a chance to capture the feelings via memories as they rise up and become aware. We can pause, with our breathing, and focus upon the sounds of the inhalation and exhalation.

Photo by Valeriia Bugaiova on Unsplash

Breath is a gift; we ebb and flow with the breath of the soul.

Can you pause, when loud music blares, busy traffic zips by and cars honk, people crying, screaming obscenities, and glaring at you, or basic misunderstandings arise, causing friction, stress, and consume the mind at times beyond your control?

The reality of noise, put to the test, can be meditated away, and the distracting sounds minimized when one practices the art of stillness and calming the mind. The point of meditating is to bring the body and mind into focus, the present moment, the here and now…



Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Writers Guild

❤ Positive-focused Motivational Speaker❤ Writer ❤ Domestic Violence Educator @ ❤ Catch the Spark❤ Counselor ❤ Relationships ❤