Don Feazelle
Writers Guild
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2018


Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Nearly a decade since I walked out that door,
thinking never! No more.
Through deception and guile,
you wooed me in.
Come! Join the flock, free you shall be.
Carefully you pointed out my sin to me.
Sins you created of your own fancy,
like the scribes of long ago.
Numbed by fear,
I went along for your ride.
Perceiving one might stray,
you continued to chide.
Unquestioning loyalty you demanded of me.
Your many traditions were an endless plea.
Burdens unbearable made life miserable.
Your speech? Very provocative.
Dipped with fear, a poison most potent,
you forbid the flock to think, oh, no reason.
You claimed dissent was a child from hell,
the dissenter guilty of treason.
You alone were chosen, to see beyond the veil?
Anointed by the Almighty God, so you proclaimed.
You professed, “I alone pray and am heard.”
“Child, doth you question my word.”
You did not see my awakening come.
Questions began rolling off my tongue.
Was Love ever your motive?
Or, the welfare of the sheep?
Or, control, power, service for profit through lies and deceit?
Your doctrines?
Your traditions?
Were they not conceived by Ego’s subtle transmissions.
Beguiled by your own mind, you thought that I was your mission.
Perhaps, at one time you might have cared.
But, as the power corrupts, time revealed your secret ambitions.
You, preacher, did ask, “Where will go?”
“You will not survive without me.”
Silently, I walked out that door,
thinking, “Never! No more.”



Don Feazelle
Writers Guild

Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.