Reverberating Words

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

Mihal Woronko
Writers Guild


Photo by Daniel Rose on Unsplash

Many of us on Medium are writers. Aspiring writers, veteran writers, hobby writers, opinionated writers — like species, we exist in an endless stream of forms and kinds, styles and molds, each of us equipped with boundless purpose and unyielding ambition.

We fill the world around us with words. Our minds are tuned in such a way to appreciate a string of adjectives in the same way a maestro may appreciate a heartfelt cadenza or crescendo. We take thoughts and ideas and wrap them up, polish them, and often present them before others in the hopes of contributing to the perpetual streams and pools of information that the internet so generously entertains.

We write and we share what we write. And then what? What happens to these words after they’ve left our lips or the tips of our fingers, and after yet that they’ve flowed into the ears or before the eyes of readers, listeners, receptors and receivers?

“You can make anything by writing.” ― C.S. Lewis

We’ve created something, brought something into this world through our beautifully imaginative minds. Maybe we’ve gone as far as to really help, inform, entertain or unify others. This shouldn’t be the end, and it often isn’t, but how often do we consider this…

