The Top 10 Active Medium Publications of 2020

Some of the top Medium publications aren’t active for good reasons. Let’s look at those that remain.

Lincoln W Daniel
Writers Guild


For the last four years, Smedian has tracked over 11,000 Medium publications on its Toppubs leaderboards of the most followed and fastest growing publications. The platform reports how many followers each publication has, which topics they focus on, and how fast they’re growing. It’s been the source of analysis by many. However, it has one point of failure at this time: it doesn’t yet distinguish between the active and inactive publications.

See, Medium has made some curious choices over the years and mistreated a large group of its users — a group that largely contributed to its success and the creation of its current business model. For reasons related to that, many of the largest publications that once provided great value to Medium writers and readers have left the platform.

Because those publications still exist, have followers, and boast great numbers of followers, Smedian’s leaderboard of the top followed publications still includes them. Nonetheless, today, I want to highlight the most followed and active publications on Medium. I’m sure Smedian will one day make this distinction in a new, respective leaderboard, but, until then, let’s get…



Lincoln W Daniel
Writers Guild

Chief Bull @ ® Elevating writers @ Author @JavaForHumans Ex: Editor in Chief MarkGrowth (acq.), Engineer @Medium @GoPuff