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This One Weird Activity Will Instantly Improve Your Writing

It’s Not Actually That Weird…

Published in
6 min readJul 30, 2019


Success in any walk of life is dependent on a number of interdependent factors. One of the most important, but often overlooked factors, is that of environment.

Successful people have a tendency to place themselves in environments that are conductive to their success.

Film makers go to LA, stock brokers to New York, and writers to the woods.

But I’m writing this to tell you that for successful writing, you don’t actually need to isolate yourself in the woods.

As a writer, it’s less about what physical environment you place yourself in, and more about the mental environment, and there are a number of ways to shift your mental environment without wilderness isolation.

As weird as it sounds, I’ve found that the perfect mental environment for my writing can be established through daily long-distance runs.

Here’s why.

1. Time Alone

In probably one of the best talks I’ve ever heard, William Deresiewicz explores the importance of solitude and it’s connection to leadership. He argues that you can’t be a leader unless you exercise the ability to think…



Translator for the human heart. I write about life, leadership, and travel.