What is BLM about?

Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020


Just a set of ideas and questions I’d like for you to consider

Let me just say a few things. [Using 3rd person to drive a point, so stay with me]. Black and white, or any other ‘race’, for that matter, are of the same specie and I believe they share very close biological and intellectual potential.

With that being said, I have heard folks say that BLM and/or black folk are crying with a victim mentality and aren’t being accountable for their circumstances. Instead, they are blaming others and merely seek some level of privilege.

Except, that is under the assumption that both white and black people share the same variables: environment, historical background, and cultural implications.

First, the environment. I believe the environment plays a big role in realizing potential. I believe that folks who aren’t given a chance to thrive in an empowering environment don’t have the same potential as those who do.

Second, I believe the history of an individual greatly impacts their ability to navigate life and thus further exercise their potential. Black folks have had a 400-year history behind their back that is insanely unforgettable. So younger generations have to start behind.

Third, cultural implication. When you think of the color white, what do you think of it? And when you think of the…



Writers Guild

I write about holistic growth and trading futures. You can find more on my substack as well @ https://simpletrading.substack.com