What’s the word again? Or, how to write copy for short attention spans.

Nicole Alexandra Michaelis
Writers Guild
Published in
7 min readAug 14, 2019


by Unsplash

It’s 2019. Every single thing in our lives is fighting for our attention. We design things to speed up the pace of life. We move quickly. We pause rarely.

Capturing a reader in the moment is an extremely valuable skill. It has great power that can impact decisions, feelings, thoughts, ideas…anything, really. It creates space where there normally is none.

Use it wisely.

I’m a firm believer in the power of presence. My best poetry happens in moments of stillness when what I’m feeling drives the pen rather than what I’m thinking. And I believe it’s not just creativity that benefits from our full presence. I make better decisions when I’m present — when I’m actually feeling into the moment.

People today struggle with being present. But…

…life happens on the way to where you’re going. It’s not about arriving.

I do a lot of things to earn a living, but most of the time, I write. For a while now, I’ve been asking myself: how can I use what I do to help others be more present? Is there a way of writing that gets passed the constantly unconsciously thinking mind?

It’s not about making readers feel this or think that. It’s exactly the opposite. How can something I write pause your…

