Mihai Surdu — Unsplash

Why I dislike #MeToo

but I’m not allowed to say it.

This is me….
Writers Guild
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2018


Let me start by getting a few things out of the way.

I’m a woman, wife, mother, in my 50’s and work in IT.

By virtue of the fact that I am FEMALE and work in a male-dominated environment, I have a higher than average chance of getting a job if I go for it.

This is to ‘address the gender balance.’

This is NOT FAIR.

Employers should not be concerned about failing to hit their diversity targets if they don’t employ me over a man who could do the job just as well, if not better.

And I would feel happier knowing I got a job based on merit and what’s between my ears, rather than targets and what’s between my legs.

Positive discrimination is STILL discrimination in my book, and frankly, I’m sick of it.

So, what has the #MeToo movement done to gain my dislike?

To understand this we have to go further back in my life.

Both my parents worked in television. It was the heady days of superstardom and screaming groupies.

As a young woman I watched as women literally threw themselves at the stars as they came into the studios.

