Why You Should Start a Journaling Habit

Alice Chong
Writers Guild


Journaling can be a fun hobby that can unleash your creativity. Or, it could also be your new founded career or talent. Whichever it is, journaling has certainly enriched my life. Way before the popularity of the internet, I owned three different online journals. One for travel, the other for school, and for leisure activities. I also carry by personal journal in my bag for quick inspirational thoughts.

In this article, I’ll take you to why journaling can be insightful as well as how you can develop a journaling habit.

After several years of writing, I realized that journaling can help you in these categories:

  1. Self-awareness of your life long goals
  2. It teaches you to live more mindfully
  3. An outlet to release your stressors

Before journaling, I always wanted to identify my interests and hobbies. This gives a strong sense of who I was as an individual. Often times, we become too busy with our daily routines that we don’t slow and ask important questions of the “why.” Journaling may bring self-awareness. By bring these questions into light, you’re getting closer to achieving an intentional and meaningful life.

The Main Reason Why You Should Start A Journaling Habit



Alice Chong
Writers Guild

UX/Product Designer and Lifestyle Writer. Transforming the way people think and move forward in society. www.alicechong.org