Writer, Which Is Your Why?

Reflect a few minutes and definitely focus your career

Two Tale Tellers
Writers Guild


Illustrations courtesy of Raúl Gil (Two Tale Tellers)

To start this article I am going to propose a challenge to you. Just like that. Write an answer to the question I am going to ask in less than a minute, in no more than three or four lines. Ready to read it? Well, here it goes:

What is your mission and what values guide your work as a writer?

Is everything clear? Okay, start the stopwatch and go for it!

Time is up! How has the experience been?

Have you been able to define in four lines and in an exact and concise way what guides you and how you express it?

Or on the contrary, have you gone blank, thinking about it right now because you have never consciously done it before, spending half a minute rambling, accumulating multiple concepts that have come to your mind, and now you have a huge list you don’t know how to synthesize?

If you did it, congratulations. You can stop reading here. Have a great day! We will read each other in the next one!

If you haven’t, welcome to the club! And don’t worry, it’s completely normal and it has an easy solution. Believe me, because I will explain it to you in this article.

The foundation of your writing career



Two Tale Tellers
Writers Guild

Raúl and María, using words and images to tell stories. Writers, designers, illustrators and teachers. http://twotaletellers.com/