I Sold a Copy of a Medium Article for $250 USD. Here's How You Can Too

Plus, a free business plan

Hudson Rennie
Writer’s Hub


A writing study with an image of a sold article.
Image created by the author using Midjourney and Canva. The author has the provenance and copyright

Today, Medium feels like home.

But, before discovering this hub for self-expression, I spent years freelancing. Among many great lessons, I learned this:

I love writing — but not other people’s words.

To me, writing is about expressing myself. And, as hard as I've tried to be motivated by money, it's never been enough to stoke my creative flame. It's one of the many reasons why I stopped freelancing.

I can write faster, more often, and better when I feel inspired. But, when trying to express someone else's vision, I naturally resist. So, you can imagine my elation when I discovered a bridge between these two worlds.

Here's how you can sell copies of your Medium articles for infinite profits — while writing exactly what and how you want.

Why I stopped freelancing.

I've written 150 articles on Fiverr — and I'll never go back.

When I was 25 years old, in a full-blown quarter-life crisis, I set out to discover what I truly wanted out of life. I travelled around the world, put myself into debt, and ultimately discovered my passion —…



Hudson Rennie
Writer’s Hub

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hudsonrenniewrites