These 4 Writing Platforms Pay You Just Like

The best alternatives to

Hudson Rennie
Writer’s Hub


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👉 If you’re not a Medium member, read this story for free, here.

If you’re like me, you don’t love freelancing, marketing, or selling yourself online. To be honest, even hosting a website feels like a lot of wasted effort.

You’d much prefer just to write and get paid for it.

So, I’ve gone ahead and researched every platform that pays writers for their words — without selling ads or promoting affiliate links.

Let’s get right into it…


Verified. ✅

If you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel, you know that Medium is my favourite writing platform.

And, I believe it’s the best place for developing writers to:

  • Start a consistent practice
  • Get paid for their words

Although it’s definitely a labour of love (especially at first), it’s a great place to house your writing. And, can act as a powerful leveraging tool when attracting freelance clients or building an email list.

Expected income:



Hudson Rennie
Writer’s Hub

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: