A Life Less Told.

Ode to the Homemakers.

Writers In Progress
Apr 12, 2024


Photo by KINN Living on Unsplash

Perhaps it’s something trimmed with gold

To pair some socks, or mend a hole

Daily chores, not brave or rare

A homemade meal , a welcome chair.

Perhaps it’s something etched in gold

A freshly made bed, laundry to fold

Perhaps there’s treasure, lesser seen

To tend and trim, shape and preen.

Perhaps it’s something set in gold

To sweep a pathway, lead and show

A whispered prayer, all unseen

Searching stars and chasing dreams.

Perhaps it’s something sealed in gold

The blessed duties one beholds

Of all the gifts this life bestows

Are the hands that make a house a home .




Writers In Progress

I'm an old soul in a new world. Lover of tea, poetry, writing and wellbeing. Enjoying motherhood, adventure and going down the occasional rabbit hole.