If You Want To Give Your Writing a Kick Up The Ass, Get To The Gym.

Glyn Bawden
Writers In Progress
3 min readMar 29, 2024


Let’s face it, you learn the same things at both

Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

I stood there during one of the rounds of my HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training)classes, hands on my knees, taking in breaths as I tried to get my pounding heart to slow down. Drops of sweat splashed onto the mat beneath me and I tried to convince myself it was doing me some good.

It made me think about writing and how I feel doing that.

My experiences with writing aren’t that dissimilar.

Maybe not with the drops of sweat splashing onto the blank page , but you get what I mean.

The similarities are there all right.

It’s not meant to be easy

If you went to the gym and coasted through the exercises without so much as getting breathless, you’d be wondering what the point was.

It’s the same with writing. If is was easy, everyone would be publishing bestsellers and viral articles every week.

What’s the point in that?

The attraction is the struggle.

The attraction is not knowing what will happen with your next article or struggling to come up with a killer headline. ( I’m still working on that one)



Glyn Bawden
Writers In Progress

An ex-teacher, aspiring writer. Trying to be healthy but still loving wine. Love to travel.