I’ve Analyzed the Writing Platforms Medium and Substack — Which One Is Best?

I’m a bestselling writer on Substack and a top writer on Medium.

Kristina God, MBA
Writers In Progress


photo credit: made in Canva Magic Studio

You’ve probably asked yourself at least one of the following two questions:

  • What platform should I write on?
  • How much money can I make from it?

My teachers always told my mother that I was “very analytical”.

I wasn’t good at physics, math or computer science, but I analyzed books, short stories andlove letters from classmates.

When I studied journalism and media communication, my professor always said: “Numbers lie” when we analyzed the best newspapers and magazines in Germany.

It’s no secret that the biggest magazines and newspapers find ways to increase their circulation in order to sell more ads or get more money for them.

Fortunately, the platforms I‘m comparing today do not offer advertising.

There‘s no external “sales” factor that could influence their data.

They don’t sell advertising, which I appreciate.

Since I’m a bestselling author on Substack and a top author on Medium, many readers ask me which platform is better: Medium or Substack.



Kristina God, MBA
Writers In Progress

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/