The Right Ways To Take Care Of Our Teeth

Writers In Progress
4 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

In my opinion, teeth are the most important part of one’s body. Technically speaking, they help you chew all kinds of food, without which you won’t be able to get all the nutritions necessary for survival. But, on a larger scale, they also act as a good indicator of your overall diet and health. As an example, a tooth cavity is a sign that you were exposed to too many sugary treats in your childhood days.

So, lets take a moment to celebrate the smile-showing teeth and learn few ways to take care of our dear friends.

1, Leaving toothpaste on teeth

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

I may appear as a wackadoodle suggesting this, but leaving residual toothpaste in your mouth can actually reduce chances of tooth decaying. Many toothpastes contain the active material fluoride and rinsing your mouth can prematurely wash out the fluoride that is working on your teeth. Overall, by washing your mouth, you are unintentionally reducing the benefits of toothpaste.

Tip: If you are uncomfortable with leaving toothpaste altogether, try waiting for 15 minutes before rinsing your mouth.

2, Drinking water often

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The benefits of water on our digestive system and skin are very well-known, but you will be surprised to know that water is equally important for teeth’s wellbeing too. They help cure dry mouth, which is a leading cause of tooth decay, and washes away leftover food. The flouride in water strengthens the enamel and reduces cavity by 50%.

Fun Fact: Chronic dehydration can lead to white spots on the teeth, cavities and gum disease.

3, Avoiding Sugary Drinks:

Photo by Kobby Mendez on Unsplash

Sugary drinks simply mean drinks that contain sugar. Even natural drinks such as milk also contain sugar in the form of lactose and fructose in fruit juices. The most dangerous drinks are carbonated sugary ones.

The reason why sugar in worst enemy of your dentist is because the bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar and produce acid as a byproduct. Overtime, the accumulated acid begins to erode the enamel on your teeth and they become thinner.

Hence, the best option to quench your thirst is to literally drink water!

4, Avoiding eating/drinking immediately after brushing

Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash

This point is a continuation of the first point. After brushing, you still have toothpaste left on your teeth. Now if you immediately drink or eat, you are removing all the toothpaste from your teeth, which is as worse as not brushing at all! So avoid eating or drinking for at least half an hour after brushing. If you are hungry or can’t go without consuming something, try having it before your brushing session.

5, Floss Is Important!

Only recently I have come to know the significance of flossing. For years I was under the misapprehension that flossing causes teeth gap. But after delving into this subject, I realized that it is a misconception and ,if done correctly, flossing can be very beneficial. While brushing only tackles germs on the surface of our teeth, floss goes between the teeth and removes bits of food that are difficult to move by simply brushing.

Tip: If you are a newbie wanting to add floss into you teeth regime, try placing floss near you in the bathroom or place a sticky note on your bathroom reminder. Making something visible is the first step of any habit formation , and as the famous proverb goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

With advanced technology, new discoveries in dentistry have led us to treat people with all kind of teeth problems. Contradictory to past beliefs that only taking out a teeth is a permeant change, many of the procedures have lasting effects. However, it should be noted that no matter how much improved the dentistry becomes, no procedure can replace the strength and qualities of our original teeth. Hence, preserving our original teeth should be our #1 priority!

About me: I am a high-school student passionate about sharing my candid take on the world. I write informative blogs on Life|Success|Teenage|books. Help me get medium membership by buying me a coffee on buy me a coffee😁 as MPP is not available in my country.


I will meet you in my next article :⁠-⁠)



Writers In Progress

An A-Level student 👨‍🎓passionate over blogging📄 and learning french 🇫🇷. Follow for Blogs on Productivity|Education|Teenage.