Defeat the Ideas Drought with 7 Moves That Shout

These 7 moves are your keys to breaking through creative stagnation, resulting in exceptional writing ideas and a significant improvement in your writing productivity

Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub
5 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Michael Marais on Unsplash

In the quiet darkness of the night, under the faint glow of the table lamp, a writer sits with their laptop in front of them, facing a barren desert of creativity without a single flowing idea. Her mind is empty, much like an endless arid desert.

She's tried everything, from watching to reading books, from strolling in the park to walking under the stars, but still, she hasn't found a way out. The haunting question on her mind is, "What should I do next?"

For those of us who love crafting words, we've all experienced such moments of creative drought. Moments that make us feel like explorers stranded in the middle of a desert without water. We feel like our brains are dry deserts unable to produce even a drop of freshness.

Whether it's due to mounting tasks, looming deadlines, or simply boredom, all writers have faced a creativity crisis.

You may have already tried some tricks, like watching, reading books, or even taking a walk, but the results remain elusive.

Now is the time to delve into the most crucial actions to tackle this challenge. In an effort to unearth solutions often overlooked in the list of action points. We'll explore key points you may not have tried, 7 moves where forgotten creativity can be found.

Let's look at this problem from an unexpected perspective and discover the magical keys to unlock the long-stalled flow of ideas. So, let's head to the 7 most important moves to overcome the drought of ideas that have been bothering your mind as a writer!

Move 1: Creating a Mind Map

When you're experiencing writer's block, try creating a mind map. A mind map is a visual tool that can help you connect various ideas and concepts. Take a sheet of paper and write down keywords related to the topic or idea you want to write about.

A simple example of mind mapping (author's)

Then, create branches from these keywords and add subtopics or related ideas on each branch. A mind map will help you see the connections between various ideas, and fresh ideas often emerge when you visualize them.

Move 2: Talking to Yourself (Literally)

When writer's block strikes, we often forget our best resource that's always there: ourselves. Try sitting quietly and engage in a conversation with yourself. Make a list of questions like "What do I want to convey?" or "What excites me?" This can stimulate creativity, and you might be surprised at how many ideas emerge when you give yourself space to think.

Move 3: Delving into Personal Experiences

Sometimes, the best ideas come from personal experiences. Reflect on your life experiences, unique stories, or inspiring moments.

Perhaps, you’ve faced challenges or had successful stories that could be material for your writing. Digging up your personal experiences and connecting them to the topic you want to write about can be an endless source of ideas.

Move 4: Talking to Others

When you feel stuck in a creativity drought, don't hesitate to seek inspiration from others. Have conversations with friends, colleagues, or even strangers about the topic you want to write about.

Discussing with others can help you gain new perspectives, fresh ideas, or even intriguing stories you might have never heard before. Never underestimate the power of human conversation to spark creativity.

Move 5: Explore Various Types of Literature

When we talk about reading books, we're not limited to books in the same genre as what you're writing. Try reading various types of literature different from what you typically consume.

Read novels, non-fiction books, poetry, articles, or even comics. This will help you see things from a different perspective and bring in fresh ideas.

Move 6: Keep an Eye on News and Current Trends

Don't forget the importance of staying updated with news and current trends. By monitoring the news, you can discover the latest issues to address in your writing. Additionally, current trends can serve as inspiration.

Are there fashion, food, or lifestyle trends that are popular? You can write about them from your own perspective. News and trends are an endless source of ideas, as long as you keep up with them.

Move 7: Give Yourself Enough Rest

When writer's block strikes and ideas seem distant, don't hesitate to give yourself a break. Your creative mind might just need time to reset. Take a pause, go for a walk, or enjoy a cup of coffee under the sunlight. Sometimes, the pressure to produce new ideas can trigger a creative drought.

You should never experience guilt when you decide to pause your writing for a while.

Giving yourself space to breathe is the key to overcoming this hurdle. After a rest, you may come back with a fresh spirit and fresh ideas waiting to be put into words.

Remember, writer's block is a common occurrence in the world of writing.

Even famous authors like Stephen King or J.K. Rowling have experienced it. What matters is how we respond to it and find ways to address the issue.

So, don't get too discouraged if you find yourself trapped in a creative desert.

Remember that:

1. this is just a temporary phase, and with the moves, tips mentioned above, you’ll soon flow with fresh ideas. True writers are those who never give up, even when caught in the storm of creative drought.

2. every writer goes through tough times, but what sets you apart is the ability to seek solutions and keep evolving. So, don’t let writer’s block stop your creativity.

Keep writing and exploring the world of words! Happy writing!

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Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on