Nurture, Embrace, Flourish

Unveiling insightful strategies to sustain and cultivate a flourishing creative process

Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Photo by Nicolas Lysandrou on Unsplash

Have you ever marveled at the way creativity flows effortlessly from some people's pens? It's like magic, right? But here's the scoop – creativity isn't just a spontaneous burst of brilliance; it's more like a garden that needs consistent care and attention.

Now, let’s talk about nurturing creativity. It’s like cultivating a plant; you need to give it the right environment. Doodling, jotting down thoughts, or even mind mapping – anything to keep that graphite flowing.

It’s not just about using the pencil but also sharpening it. Think of it as honing our skills. We’ve got to keep learning, exploring new techniques, and broadening our horizons. That’s what keeps the pencil sharp and ready to sketch out innovative ideas at any moment.

Nurturing Creativity

1. Curiosity is the Key

Stay curious about everything around you. Curiosity is like a spark that ignites new ideas. It keeps your mind open to possibilities and allows you to explore uncharted territories.

2. Feed Your Mind

Read voraciously, explore diverse topics, watch movies, listen to music, or engage in hobbies outside your comfort zone. The more you feed your mind, the more resources it has to generate fresh ideas.

3. Embrace Mistakes

Don’t fear mistakes; embrace them. They’re stepping stones to innovation. Thomas Edison famously said, "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." Each mistake teaches us something valuable.

4. Regular Exercise

Not just for your body, but for your mind too. Engage in activities that boost your mental fitness—meditation, journaling, or even going for a walk. A refreshed mind is fertile ground for new ideas.

What Not to Do

1. Avoid Comfort Zones

Staying in your comfort zone might feel cozy, but it’s a creativity killer. Challenge yourself, take risks, and embrace the discomfort of new experiences. That’s where innovation thrives.

2. Don’t Suppress Ideas

Every idea, no matter how absurd it seems, has potential. Avoid shutting down ideas too quickly; instead, jot them down. You never know how one idea might lead to another.

3. Say No to Overworking

Exhaustion stifles creativity. Give yourself breaks and time to recharge. Sometimes stepping away from a problem can lead to a breakthrough when you return.

Remember, creativity is a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. The pencil in your hand is a wand waiting for your magic touch, ready to craft worlds, stories, and innovations. So, keep it sharp, keep it moving, and let your creativity flow!

And oh, let's not forget about rest. Yes, our pencils need a break too! Stepping away from the creative process can sometimes be the very thing that recharges our imaginative batteries. Taking a walk, reading a book, or just chilling out – these moments of relaxation often trigger bursts of creativity when we least expect it.

In the end, it’s not just about the pencil; it’s about the hand that guides it, the mind that fuels it, and the heart that embraces its potential. Keep creating, keep innovating, and let those pencil beats compose your masterpiece! ヾ(^-^)ノ

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Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on