The Writer’s Bond

The crucial bond between reading and writing

Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub
3 min readNov 16, 2023


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

As a writer, I find reading to be an indispensable activity. Writing demands words, and to prevent the flow from stuttering due to a lack of words, reading serves as a reservoir to replenish creative resources. Writing and reading are akin to two sides of the same coin. There's a multitude of quotes emphasizing the robust connection between writing and reading, underscoring their symbiotic relationship.

One such quote, often attributed to Stephen King, encapsulates this interplay perfectly: "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." This sentiment echoes the sentiment that reading is a fundamental component that enriches a writer's repertoire of language, styles, and ideas.

Paradoxically, however, there are still writers, or at least those passionate about writing, who exhibit a reluctance towards reading. What causes individuals to not optimize their intake of knowledge and fail to absorb the words within books? What discourages people from engaging in reading?

Several factors contribute to this reluctance. Firstly, the fast-paced lifestyle that modern society embraces often leaves little room for leisurely activities like reading. In a world characterized by constant distractions, many struggle to allocate dedicated time for diving into books.

Moreover, the abundance of digital content, easily consumable in bite-sized portions, often overshadows the immersive experience that reading a book offers.

Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

The convenience of scrolling through social media or watching videos tends to overpower the commitment required for engaging with a book.

Another significant obstacle lies in the misconception that reading is a passive activity. Some individuals fail to recognize the active engagement, critical thinking, and imagination stimulated by reading.

This misunderstanding can deter them from picking up a book --printed or digital--, believing it to be a mundane task rather than a gateway to new ideas and perspectives.

So, how can this reluctance be overcome?

One concrete solution involves a conscious effort to prioritize reading. Setting aside dedicated time for reading daily, even if it’s just a few pages, can gradually instill a habit. Embracing diverse genres and subjects can also make reading more appealing and engaging.

Additionally, fostering reading communities, whether through book clubs or online forums, can create a sense of accountability and shared enthusiasm, encouraging consistent reading habits.

Moreover, integrating reading into one’s daily routine by replacing some screen time with a book can yield surprising results. Technology offers vast resources, and leveraging it to explore e-books or audiobooks can make reading more accessible and adaptable to different lifestyles.

The fusion of writing and reading is not just a symbiotic relationship but a cornerstone of a writer’s craft. Overcoming the barriers to reading involves a shift in mindset, intentional prioritization, and the recognition of the profound benefits that reading offers. By acknowledging the immense value that reading brings to the creative process, writers can harness its power to fuel their imagination and nurture their craft.

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Scribella Savory
Writer's Insight Hub

Sharing my writing motivation-improvement for mental & social success. A poetry and fiction enthusiast. "Another me" is on